
发表: 2021年7月12日
作者: 汤姆威廉姆斯
类型: 洞察力

The term “nature-positive” is rapidly emerging as a rallying call, "北极星", 指导行动,改造业务. 最近发表的论文: 一个自然积极的世界:全球自然目标, set out three measurable temporal objectives: Zero Net Loss of 自然 from 2020, 到2030年净为正, 到2050年全面恢复. 但这对企业意味着什么呢?

行之有效的方法,如 自然资本议定书 和 mitigation hierarchy have helped business to assess and prioritize actions. 新兴的方法,比如 基于科学的自然目标Task force for 自然-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) will improve and standardize the way business measures, reports and discloses on nature. 有了大自然积极的基石,我们 aim to break down the key concepts of 自然的积极 that have been surfaced in key publications over the years and translate them into clear steps that help companies to readily and simply understand what constitutes “nature positive” in order to put in place the foundational pieces of roadmaps that guide the application of these tools and others across value chains.

In July 2021, WBCSD convened the first two of three dialogue sessions on Shaping building blocks for business contribution to nature-positive value chains. These dialogues bring together a diverse group of 60 stakeholders representing different disciplines, 行业, 和价值链 创建一个 共享的理解 of the building blocks to guide credible and coherent business contributions to a nature-positive as well as net-zero, 公平的世界. Whilst the focus of the dialogues is on business contributions to nature positive, 这个过程涉及多方利益相关者, to ensure that a diversity of views and experiences are shared.  The main purpose of the first two sessions was to get as much as possible on the table – what needs to be surfaced, 我们需要解决什么问题, 在这, identify key items of convergence and divergence – to contribute to the building blocks.


Regarding convergence the dialogues revealed a need to build on previous and ongoing efforts that respond to impacts and dependencies on nature. 对于特定的生态系统(例如.g. 森林或淡水)或生物多样性, what is missing is a holistic approach to nature that captures living and non-living aspects of the system that can be translated to business strategy. We need to move beyond an approach of ‘doing less harm’ and towards stopping the loss of nature and putting back more than we take. 这意味着应用缓解层次结构(避免), 减少, 在不同的尺度上恢复和再生, 从站点级到系统级, 包括整个价值链.

There are still gaps regarding guidance and tools on some key issues, especially where they relate to newer areas around restoration and regenerative systems. 在如此复杂的空间里, 确定最合适的度量标准, 基线值和目标可能具有挑战性, particularly when looking across 行业 and geographies. The work of the Science Based Targets Network will go some way to addressing this. 与此同时, business needs to set themselves up with aspirational goals, backed up with assessments of their main impacts and dependencies, 稳健的目标和敏捷的方法来取得进展. If a 自然的积极 world by 2030 is the collective end goal, business need to then be realistic and honest about their strategy and roadmaps to provide coherent and robust contributions.

最后, the dialogue participants shared a fundamental understanding that what we do for nature should be aligned with climate action and contribute to positive social outcomes. The interdependencies of nature and climate mean we have much to gain when we tackle these two issues together, 最近的报告强调了这一点 IPCC-IPBES关于生物多样性和气候变化.

These two dialogues will be followed by a consultation period to further refine areas of alignment to focus on implementation at the third dialogue in late August. This process comes at a critical time as we move into significant global gatherings on nature and climate where business ambition needs to clearly demonstrate its contribution. 通过更清楚地了解大自然周围的“什么”是积极的, with the emerging building blocks 和 future roadmap developments, we aim to put forward a clear and coherent collective response from business to contribute to an equitable, 零, 自然积极世界.

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