
Published: 22 May 2023
Author: Maria Campos, Senior Associate, Nature Action & Josip Pervan, Senior Manager, Policy Advocacy & Member Mobilization
Type: Insight

联合国将5月22日定为国际生物多样性日,以提高人们对生物多样性问题的认识. 今年的全球庆祝活动特别重要,带来了新的希望,因为恰逢联合国大会通过了《正规博彩十大网站》 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) at COP 15 in Montreal. To mark this historic achievement, 今年的主题是“从协议到行动:重建生物多样性”。 

The GBF marked the equivalent “Paris moment” for nature. It raised nature to the same political level as climate, 召集全球利益攸关方,共同完成一项集体使命. 具有里程碑意义的《正规博彩十大网站》制定了到2030年制止和扭转生物多样性丧失的全球计划, including 4 goals and 23 action targets – many of which are relevant to the business community

All stakeholders, including business, 在这种“全政府和全社会参与的方式”中发挥关键作用,以确保成功实施GBF, 如果我们想避免生物多样性持续丧失给我们的社区和经济带来的灾难性后果. 

With the approval of the GBF, 商界现在有了更多的确定性,他们将在国家法规中实现遏制和扭转自然损失的议程. In addition, at a global level, 可以通过一组一致的23个目标和相关行动来跟踪进展情况.  

What can business do now to address key GBF targets?  

毫无疑问,自然正成为企业日益重要的议程. 投资者越来越多地要求企业了解它们对自然的影响, 到2030年,政府还将要求企业披露其对自然的影响 target 15). 为了实现这些期望,业务需要从现在开始,并且 step-up ambition and action to address nature

Informed by the existing guidance and tools, 企业已经开始采取行动来满足即将到来的需求, 并确定优先行动,以解决它们对自然最相关的影响. With these actions, 我们正在开始实施和规划对GBF的贡献. 

On the road to COP 16 taking place in 2024, 康文署及其成员正积极致力扩大落实工作, 制定和试行指导方针和工具,帮助企业实现这些目标,并为到2030年制止和扭转自然损失做出贡献, as well as prepare for key frameworks including from Science Based Targets for Nature (SBTN) and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). 

第一步是评估和揭示他们与自然的关系 加深了解和识别商业活动对自然的主要影响和依赖, 并监测和报告进展情况——与目标15一致. 这一目标是在其他目标下加快行动的关键杠杆, hence being the subject of a successful “Make it Mandatory” campaign 由商业保护自然和首都联盟协调, and supported by WBCSD and many of its members. 总共有来自52个国家的400多家商业和金融机构支持这项运动. 

In addition, business need to identify priority commitments and actions, that address key impacts and dependencies, and contribute to GBF mission and targets, specifically to: 

  • Halt negative impacts on nature through efforts to reduce pollution – in line with Target 7. 
  • Avoid further conversion 通过可持续利用和更好的资源管理(这可能包括“生物多样性友好”的做法,如再生农业)——符合目标10. 
  • Reverse nature loss by actively contributing to restoring ecosystems – in line with Target 3. 
  • Encourage sustainable consumption and halve food waste – in line with target 16.  

Central to this, the Roadmaps to Nature Positive are mapping the key impacts & 在三个高影响力的全球价值链中确定依赖关系和优先行动 & 农业、林业、建筑环境和能源价值链体系.  这与更广泛的努力是一致的,即与以下机构合作,规划部门向自然积极方向的过渡 Business for Nature and the World Economic Forum. “一个地球促进生物多样性事业”(OP2B)联盟也在努力扩大行动和实施力度,以实现全球生物多样性目标, and published during COP 15 a framework for Restoration Actions 通过协调和扩大行动以实现最大规模影响,帮助解决生态系统恢复领域协调一致的需要 Regenerative Agriculture Framework 这是对农业/土地使用价值链中企业恢复和再生行动指导的补充. 

WBCSD旨在以与碳问责制类似的方式推进新兴的自然问责制,并将重点放在支持企业领导人加强问责制的干预措施上, raise ambition, and deliver action at speed and scale. 

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