的 fast lane to low carbon with integrated approaches

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21 July, 2023


WBCSD insights



Thomas Deloison, Director, Transport & Mobility, Esther Perrin, Associate, Mobility Digitalization at WBCSD, Claudia Daniel, Analyst Sustainability Strategy at Accenture

随着商业领袖制定和实施脱碳运营路线图, they face tradeoffs between costs and emissions reductions, what is technically feasible, and the return on investment. By adopting an integrated approach, 企业可以将脱碳业务案例与中长期正规博彩十大网站排名计划和投资周期结合起来:

综合方法使公司能够更快地制定新的路线, more efficient and more cost-effective than traditional, siloed approaches to decarbonization. 集成可以成为连接建筑经理与能源采购和车队经理的红线, 以及正规博彩十大网站排名和财务主管-使脱碳成为全公司的战略. 

  • Knowledge and advocacy -通过思想领导和最佳实践分享,突出综合方法的价值.
  • Integrated approach pilots -与成员公司开展综合方法的实际应用,并制定业务脱碳路线图.
  • Tools and guidance development -支持开发开放获取工具,以帮助企业评估综合方法的效益,并在融资方面提供重点指导, governance and policy outlooks.