Leading Women Awards 2024: Outstanding female leaders recognized for sustainability achievements at WBCSD Liaison Delegate Meeting

发表: 2024年4月25日
类型: 新闻

蒙特勒,2024年4月25日: The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) has announced the five exceptional women who have received the prestigious Leading Women Awards (LWA) for 2024. 颁奖仪式在蒙特勒举行的WBCSD年度联络代表会议期间举行, 瑞士.  


  • 贝丝荷兰Aptar首席正规博彩十大网站排名官 
  • 琳Sritaba, APP集团首席正规博彩十大网站排名官 
  • 玛丽亚MalaxechevarriaEnel集团Endesa Endesa基金会正规博彩十大网站排名主管和常务董事
  • Nollaig福勒斯特他是豪瑞首席正规博彩十大网站排名官 
  • Rachel Muller galv,拉丁区-雀巢雀巢南美副总裁 

自2017年推出以来, the LWA program has showcased the outstanding leadership of women in embedding sustainability in their company's strategy. 通过揭露他们的成就, the program aims to recognize and empower women as a force for good within their companies and organizations. 这五名获奖者将获得一笔奖学金,以支付他们2024年的学费 跳跃项目, 是和耶鲁大学合作进行的, ESADE商学院, 以及新加坡国立大学.  



Beth领导着Aptar的正规博彩十大网站排名成就, 值得注意的是,到2022年底,将65%的场地认证为无垃圾填埋场,并采购97%的可再生能源. 在贝丝的领导下, Aptar received a platinum rating from EcoVadis and recognition from 新闻week and other media organizations for its leadership in corporate responsibility. Beth fosters growth opportunities for high-potential individuals and has created and supported various organizations from employee resource groups in support of LGBTQ+ to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New 塑料 Economy, 并指导新诊断为1型糖尿病儿童的家庭. 

领导变革从来都不容易, 不幸的是, 无意识的偏见使女性和少数群体实施变革更具挑战性. 我有幸在一家重视多元化、公平和包容性的公司工作. Aptar的全球业务帮助我认识到建立一个全球正规博彩十大网站排名网络的必要性. 我们分享最佳实践, 应对文化挑战和法规, 制定雄心勃勃的目标,进一步推动正规博彩十大网站排名. I encourage everyone on my team – regardless of their gender identity - to lean in and stand up for what is right, 为了公司和环境. 今天, we are recognized as a leader in sustainability and the world’s leading brands turn to us because we run our company in a sustainable manner. 

我们所有人都被赐予了祝福,我们有责任利用这些祝福为更大的利益服务. 虽然我们可能永远不知道我们的影响力有多大, 模棱两可和缺乏承认不应阻止进步. 我真的很荣幸能获得世界文博会杰出女性奖. It is a testament to the continued progress and accomplishments made possible by my ever-growing tribe of mentors, 盟友, 队友和冠军, 包括Aptar内部和外部, 是谁慷慨地倾注在我身上. I believe this recognition will enhance the influence of my fellow recipients and me as we humbly strive toward our greater purpose. We must continue to lift each other up and leverage our strengths to make a meaningful difference at our companies, 为我们的社区,为我们的世界.  

琳Sritaba, APP集团首席正规博彩十大网站排名官 

在以琳的领导下, APP’s sustainability initiatives have received the Proklim Award from Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry. 倡议包括DMPA计划, 为80岁以上的老人提供替代生计,421个村庄的1000人. 埃琳创建了一个妇女赋权项目,支持135家由女性领导的企业, 这个项目后来演变成了女性企业家的年度孵化项目. 感谢以琳的管理, 26% of APP's leadership roles are now held by women and APP has received high PRISMA ratings from Indonesia’s Ministry of Law and Human Rights.  

作为一名领导企业正规博彩十大网站排名变革的女性,我的经历让我收获颇丰. 通过倡导多样性, 股本, 和包容, 我营造了一个所有声音都能被听到的工作环境, 推动Desa Makmur Peduli Api计划等有影响力的举措. Empowering women in leadership positions and prioritizing gender equality have been central to our sustainability efforts, 创造更具包容性和影响力的企业文化. 

Receiving the Leading Women Award is a profound honour that reaffirms the importance of my commitment to driving positive change. I believe this award could support me to strengthen my capacity as a leader to continue driving the transformation and efforts in continuing to invest in promoting gender equality, 培养包容的工作场所, 促进正规博彩十大网站排名. It's a testament to the collective dedication of our team and partners in creating a more equitable and sustainable future. 

玛丽亚MalaxechevarriaEnel集团Endesa Endesa基金会正规博彩十大网站排名主管和常务董事

María领导Endesa的正规博彩十大网站排名领域, 在煤电厂关闭的背景下,一家致力于转型的公司, 90%的资本支出用于气候行动. Endesa’s just transition project in Andorra was recognized by the COP28 能源 Transition Changemakers initiative. 在María的领导下, Endesa是西班牙第一次过渡招标的唯一中标者, 在吸纳地方社区参与方面发挥关键作用,不让任何人掉队. María支持DEI, STEM领域的女性导师, 并领导了以正规博彩十大网站排名目标为重点的项目,这些项目影响了100多人的生活,000人.   

在恩德萨担任领导职务时,无论是企业战略还是规划 & 我把支持妇女发展放在首位,强调战略眼光和执行力. 现在, 担任正规博彩十大网站排名主管和恩德萨基金会常务董事, 我通过将正规博彩十大网站排名纳入公司决策,制定切实可行的改变. 作为一名推动企业正规博彩十大网站排名的女性,我的旅程很充实, 为恩德萨和与我合作的女性塑造一个更加公平的未来. 在一起, 我们推进正规博彩十大网站排名目标5, 促进赋权和平等,同时开辟一条通往可持续未来的道路. 

能获得这个奖项,我深感荣幸, 这反映了伊奈尔女人们的集体努力&恩德萨致力于通过公正的能源转型实现可持续的未来. 我一生的使命就是成为鼓舞人心的灯塔,尤其是作为一名女性. 我感谢妇女及社会事务署致力实现性别平等.  

nolaig Forrest,豪瑞首席正规博彩十大网站排名官 

Nollaig 领导豪瑞在所有正规博彩十大网站排名目标上的活动. 她与彭博社合作创建了“循环城市中心”, and with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to publish an urban mining toolkit for circular building materials. 在诺莱格的领导下, Holcim has committed to 8 million tons of net-zero cement per annum by 2030 with strong nature strategy targets. 她发起了豪瑞的循环和气候活动和品牌, 支持各种妇女和青年赋权倡议, 也是麻省理工学院气候项目的董事会成员 & 正规博彩十大网站排名协会.  

Leading the charge in Sustainability is opening up a new era of leadership based on deep partnership, 扩大影响. On our mission to decarbonize building and accelerate the shift to a more circular and regenerative built environment at Holcim we are engaging across the entire value chain from public authorities and architects to urban planners and builders to make a bigger impact together. 这是一个包容性的, 以整体和系统为基础的方法,将伙伴关系置于领导的核心. 作为一名女性领导者,这是我深深信奉的领导特质. 
非常感谢WBCSD将正规博彩十大网站排名领导力置于聚光灯下. It’s a great platform to showcase what’s possible and a call to action for all of us to keep on raising the bar. 正规博彩十大网站排名是豪瑞每个人的工作. 对我来说, this award goes to all our teams around the world who are making sustainable building possible for all with our advanced low carbon, 循环和节能解决方案. 我们从这个奖项中得到了很大的启发, as a catalyst and invitation to keep on leading the charge towards a more regenerative built environment. 

Rachel Muller galv,拉丁区-雀巢雀巢南美副总裁 

雷切尔的领导, Nestlé Brazil Coffee Business Unit transitioned from 37% to 100% responsibly sourced coffee within 2 years. Sourcing 100% certified coffee has supported Nestlé’s ambitions to convert suppliers into regenerative farms with low carbon production and high biodiversity. Rachel enabled Nestlé to create its first social coffee with profits going to young farmers transforming the coffee chain, 它在巴西首次大规模生产碳中和咖啡, 并使巴西成为世界上第一个推出纸质咖啡胶囊的市场. 

引领正规博彩十大网站排名, 你需要活下去, 深深相信它, 在你的个人生活和职业生涯中. 正规博彩十大网站排名领导者确实需要一个更全面的视角, 更强的关怀意识, 更深刻地认识到我们个人和集体的影响. When those characteristics are combined with solid consumer understanding and a strong business sense it becomes really powerful. 我们不需要等待完美的解决方案来应对正规博彩十大网站排名的挑战. I’m a believer in the impact of everyday choices and in the power of each step towards the future we want to build. 

Beyond being a recognition of the importance of those daily efforts to create a more sustainable planet and to positively impact people’s life, this award encourages me to keep searching relentlessly for that intersection where business and sustainable objectives can evolve together, 为了扩展指标, 每天都要努力去创造不同. 

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