





Cintia Ribeiro是董事, 商用数字集成商, 拜耳的大豆和作物保护, supporting farmers to be successful in their journey towards regenerative agriculture. 继续读下去 观看视频正规博彩十大网站了她作为WBCSD的参与者的时间 领导力项目 and the practical solutions she brought back with her to advance 拜耳’s sustainability journey.


  • Cintia upskilled herself in corporate sustainability when she was contributing to 拜耳’s initiatives in creating new and innovative business models.
  • Cintia conceptualized a farmer-centric carbon sequestration project as part of her coursework in the 领导力项目. 此后,这已成为拜耳的一项商业服务,名为the 拜耳碳计划, 这是对农民互利共赢的努力, 拜耳, and companies seeking credible carbon offset projects as well as sustainable sourcing solutions.
  • Cintia’s initiative with the 拜耳碳计划 illustrates that innovative thinking around business models can support companies in creating profitable solutions for people and planet.


当时,我的工作是开发新的商业模式. 作为一名经过训练的科学家, 我发现,从研究的角度来看,我们一直在创新, and we created a new team to carry over this innovative mindset to reinvent the way we do business. 所以即使我没有从事传统的正规博彩十大网站排名工作, the 领导力项目 was a great opportunity for me to learn more about how to be impactful, and how to think about sustainability in a profitable way as part of the company strategy, 而不是作为副业.


One of the things that I appreciated the most was the opportunity to work with people from other industries. In internal trainings, we end up working with people in the same industry and similar backgrounds. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, the 领导力项目 had one of the most diverse group of people that I encountered, coming from all types of influential roles within their company as well as from many different industries. It was very nice to collaborate with them and see many ways of approaching the same problem. 我们创建了一个非常紧密的社区.

Undertaking the individual project in the 领导力项目 was also very powerful. We had the opportunity to take lessons from the classroom and conceptualize a project that we could apply directly within our company. My individual project was about carbon sequestration within farms and opportunities in soil carbon sequestration. 我曾在拜耳公司做过试点, and it was so successful that it became my full-time job to lead 拜耳’s carbon program, 现在哪个是商业产品. 这些都来自于我在WBCSD做的项目.


拜耳有一个非常大的作物科学部门,我们在那里创造种子, 特殊商品, and crop protection products for farmers that help the crops thrive and maximize yield. 近年来, we started thinking more about how we can help farmers succeed in their regenerative agriculture journey by offering more to help them manage their land sustainably for long-term success.

同时, 许多公司不得不管理他们的排放,以达到净零排放, 碳补偿是一种可行的解决方案,可以帮助补充这一过程. There have been more data and research on incorporating carbon in the soil as long-term storage. 这需要不同的作物管理实践, such as not removing the entire biomass during harvest and not revolving the soil, 美国农民在历史上都有哪些做法.

The idea behind my project was: could we help farmers transition to different management practices that help re-accumulate soil carbon? 拜耳 could support farmers in this transition by quantifying soil accumulation, 为第三方注册机构提供认证, and generating carbon credits for the farmers so they can be part of the solution to climate change. 这一想法于2020年在拜耳作为试点实施. We enrolled farmers and engaged them in the development of the program and worked with companies interested in offsetting to understand their needs. 拜耳 was uniquely positioned to be able to build these relationships and collect the necessary data using the digital farming offerings that we already had.

就农民接受度而言,这是一个巨大的成功. 我们在一个月内就达到了招生目标, 有很多农民想要参与其中. 和任何项目一样, there are some challenges and limitations that we hope to overcome over time, but we have been expanding the program to millions of acres and the program has become a commercial offering that is part of our portfolio of solutions.

现在, we can provide digital solutions that help farmers track the best data for decision-making to support them in their regenerative agriculture journey. We created a team of agronomists that can support farmers participating in the 拜耳碳计划, and money from the carbon project helps offset the cost of the transition towards regenerative agriculture. We realize that regenerative agriculture is an important priority for food companies, 但他们缺乏我们与农民之间的直接关系. 拜耳 helps bridge that gap by creating programs that generate revenue for farmers as they adopt different practices, 与此同时, we use our deep understanding of agriculture to help advocate on behalf of farmers for realistic and practical ways to transition towards regenerative agricultural methods.

这个项目对每个人来说都是一个胜利. 这对农民来说是一场胜利,因为这为他们带来了收入, it is a win for 拜耳 because it helps us integrate our portfolio of offerings, and it’s a win for companies that want to work in regenerative agriculture that didn’t have the relationship to the farmers before.


Sometimes people can view sustainability as a buzzword or something that is impractical or unprofitable. I think the whole concept of the program is about making sustainability an integral part of your corporate strategy: how you help drive revenue? 你如何帮助投资者和利益相关者取得成功? 我已经能够将这些原则直接应用到公司中, 我已经看到了实施这个项目和碳试点的结果. 对我们来说,这是一个有利可图的提议. It’s a business model for us today, not just a niche sustainability initiative.